Sunday 31 October 2010

Happy Halloween~

I helped.

abit of pumpkin fun, off to fish and chips!

Happy Halloween everyone!


Jer said...

Just curious....what do you do with the dug-out pumpkin flesh?

So far...I only know how to cook pumpkin porridge for my little one...

wl said...

such a lovely scaredy pumpkin ! how do you make your pumpkin lit up like this - was it candles or did the stove play a part ?

Alison said...

Jer - It was thrown away, its a carving pumpkin so they flesh are either not edible or they dont taste very nice, i think.

Wl- thank you. it's quite a big one so i had to use 4 tealights!

thisisnaive said...

Keep those two faces in your repertoire, they're good!

melly said...

I like all the faces going on here! Yours, his and the pumpkins's!